New Journey, New Joy with you. Serving Greater Vancouver

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8am to 6pm
  Contact : 604-780-9974



Nancy was a special assistant for 10 years with a gift for empathy combined with a methodical, responsible, and careful attitude towards her work. She has always valued and reinvested in herself by continued learning and keeping up to date with the latest training available for her roles. After leaving her previous job, she returned to Taiwan and became fully certified as a postpartum doula. It was the perfect second career for Nancy, combining her love for the culinary arts, which she pursues in her spare time, with her enjoyment of working with children, particularly newborns. Nancy handles the often stressful postpartum environment with ease and has found this new career exceptionally rewarding. Each mother and baby offers an entirely new journey and an individual experience which Nancy looks forward to joining.